chips mayai

This without a doubt the best African food I ever tried. It was in the streets of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania ooh It was just a different feeling have you ever tried something and hope it doesnot end that is how I fell. So I said to myself I must learn how to make it I went to the restaurant kitchen that I tried the food to see and ask how it is made and to learn what exactly is Chips mayai. Chips mayai is one of the most famous foods in eastern part of Africa especially Tanzania and Kenya.It is basically a French fries omelete which is potatoes mixed with eggs and some salad most people like to add ketchup or hot pepper on it,It is mostly known as zege a swahili word in Tanzania chips mayai is found in all over Tanzania from the streets to big restaurants with a lot of admirers of the food. bssaaaa

  • Frying Pan
  • Potatoes
  • Eggs
  • Salt
  • Oil
  • Pepper
  • Salad
  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into French fries like appearance.
  • Heat oil in the frying pan and then add the fries . 
  • Wait for like 10 minutes for the fries to turn brown add salt in the fries(they should not be to dry).
  • When the fries are well cooke add some eggs on the fries and wait for 2-3 minutes.
  • Turn the mix to the other side so to be well cooked on both sides.
  • When done remove the mix from the pan and you can add some prepared salad and pepper on it.
  • And that is it you have your Chips mayai ready to be eaten.
Chips mayai is also a very good business in the streets of East Africa a lot of youth have invested in this business so as they can provide for their family and the business has been good as it is always growing with a lot of people investing from small street cooks to very big restaurants.
I advise you to come to Tanzania and try this famous  and good food and it is very cheap trust me you will enjoy it.
